RECLAIM Paperback Edition


Reclaim by Greg Wasinski is a practical guide to deepening contemplation and reigniting spirituality. With a proven track record of inspiring thousands since 2009, Greg is now offering a real-life tool that goes beyond routine recitation, guiding readers to truly live the meaning of Catholic prayers.



Are you looking for something different?

Reclaim is a prayer guide for everyone, written from a real-life perspective to explain prayers that have been recited for many years. Despite Church Tradition, prayer must begin with simple conversations with God. Whether you’ve never prayed before, are looking to come back to your faith, or have been saying these prayers for decades, the insights shared each day walk you through a routine to bring clarity and purpose that will transform you.

It is vital to start with the basics and build a foundation from there so you can have a personal relationship with God based on what is occurring in your life. This is the method that Greg Wasinski utilizes in this powerfully transformative 40-day journey that can be started at any time, in any place. Regardless of your understanding of the Catholic faith, this is an opportunity to fully grasp the beauty and meaning within the prayers – not say words just to say them.

Reclaim is sure to make a difference in your life! We begin the first day by simply making the Sign of the Cross and build up to finishing a nine-day prayer for HOPE at the end. “Knowing God, and KNOWING God. are two very different things… Let me help your relationship grow.” – Greg Wasinski.